Wednesday, December 5, 2007

hey just kidding...!!!

hi everyone, today is a cold day but I wanna write something because I'm boring >.<
hehe well, I was rembember about the musical show in the teather... really I enjoyed so much because I love the musical shows ^^
anyway I was laughing much and Kazuya all time was say : "shhhh.... hey buddy...come on....!"
I wanna be actor in the future, yeah why not...!
but first I need learn English very well.
honestly I don't know what else write >.<
well I wanna write a joke...^^
everyone are ready...???
-One day a Canedian guy want to learn french, so he went to french school and taked his pen and piece a paper, so the teacher said -"hi every one !!! today we going to learn about affirmative sentence. the first one, its how to say "yes", Yes in french its: we we
to be continued...

1 comment:

Marcy said...

You didn't finish your blog...what happened?
Anyway, thanks for bringing a lot of energy to class. Good luck with your continued studies and stay in touch.